by Valbury



VOLT allows you to trade like a pro whenever and wherever you are.

The perfect app for both traders and investors. With VOLT, you can monitor market movement real time, execute buy/sell orders, amend your orders and even withdraw your orders. With easy to use interface and advanced features, VOLT makes it easier for you to trade. Features: • Advanced Buy/Sell Order commands, together with Amend and Withdraw• Up to date account summary – review the value of your portofolio as a whole and each individual stock. • Sell directly from your portofolio to prevent trading mistakes • Get market breaking news instantly. You can also search news by company name. • Receive research reports with recommendations and analysis daily. • Review information such as the top 20 brokers, net buy/sell for both domestic and foreign brokers. VOLT is available in Indonesian.- Update SDK 29 to SDK 30- IEP and IEV

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Good apk!!

theo agus susanto

Tolong fitur 25 min auto logoutnya matiin. Ga keburu utk kejar transaksi klo tiap 25 menit harus close apps, login dan autorisasi

Erick Gunawan

Kalo hari libur tetep dinyalain kenapa server nya??? Butuh buat cek porto ama input auto order nie, kalo engga ada perbaikan mending cari broker lain!!!

Indra Harya

poor apps

Hadi Purnomo

UXnya membagongkan.. okelah setiap 15 menit inactivity langsung dilogout, tapi tiap login balik selalu force close. Sering gagal login muter2 pulak.. Sekarang mau topup & tarik dana juga udah nggak bisa (muter2 terus) Ga diupdate2 rupanya 🥲

Christian Rosandhy

interfacenya sulit, loadingnya lama, payah bgt gabisa utk cek market ini mah

Gde Krishna

Tolong diperbaiki ya minimal fungsi utama seperti login, order, portofolio dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Fungsi utama tsb. seringkali bug dan error hingga dapat merugikan nasabah seperti sekali klik order bisa ter input beberapa kali, login lama, load page lama, order bug ( untuk trading cepat sdh psti gagal total). Saya sudah jadi nasabah valbury hampir setahun tapi tidak pernah ada perbaikan. Sekali waktu beberapa hari VOLT tdk dpt login pdhal pada hari bursa buka. Sgt kacau sekali.

Fernaldi Liuwandhy

Very unpleasant to use, dont ever do business with valbury, bad customer service

ilham buana

Poor app. Gak bisa bisa koneksinya

prast .34

Bad UI and experience overall :( can't login when market close, no graphics, old design and now since 3 weeks ago we're can't use the app

Ridha F